Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Salsa Dance Lessons with 5th grade

Today we had our salsa dance lessons with Los Sabrosos Dance Company in downtown Pittsburgh for fifth graders to culminate their music unit and I must say we had A LOT of fun!! We first learned a little meringue dance and then some salsa dance. Students practiced and worked hard and were really looking good! We also saw some dance demonstrations by our two teachers and by the end, the students were asking when we could return!

Gracias to Los Sabrosos Dance Company!

Parents, if you would like to look into dance lessons for you and your family or would like more information about their dance lessons, please visit their website: www.lspgh.com. A lot of the students were asking for this information so I am including that here. 


Hi all,

Don't forget the homework packets for each grade are due on Friday!!! Friday is a half day, but I will still see every class.


Srta. Bost

Monday, December 9, 2013

Homework and Updates


All grades (3-7) will receive a homework packet this week. All packets are due Friday.

If student does not submit by Friday, students will have ONE WEEK after due date to receive half credit. After that, it becomes a "0" in the grade book.

Students who have not submitted last week's homework should submit them no later than this Friday for credit.

I am also holding a raffle each week for those students who do submit their homework on time. Each week, a winner will be drawn.

Grades 3, 4, and 5 - Quiz on Friday. Please study and review notes in addition to homework.

Grades 6,7 - Quiz will be next week. I will announce the date toward the end of this week.

Grade 5 - Field trip to Los Sabrosos for salsa lessons. Please submit permission slips as soon as possible. Field trip will be on Tuesday, December 17th.

Thank you!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Homework this week


I hope you all had a wonderful holiday/break and got to relax and spend some time with your family/friends.

As we begin this new semester, I would like to remind you all that homework packets will be given weekly and will be due on Friday. Last semester, I was very lenient with students turning them in on time. This semester, as written in the syllabus, I will not be accepting lates. The homework is a tool to help students be prepared in class, practice with vocabulary and grammar and help for the test. The homework also allows me to see what students know and what they need help with. It has no benefit if it is turned in late. I will give students one week after the due date to turn it in for HALF credit. After that, I will not accept it.

All grades have a homework packet this week. Fifth grade will receive theirs tomorrow as we ran out of time in class to hand them out and I had to get them to their buses. Fifth grade will also be having a field trip in a couple of weeks so I will let you know when I send home permission slips.

Thank you for all of your support over the past semester. It is truly appreciated.