Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Homework this week

Hi All,

Grades 3-5 received a homework packet that will be due Friday. On FOURTH (4th) grade, the homework packet said they will have a test on Friday. I am making that a practice test and they will have their real test next Tuesday.

Sixth and Seventh grade did not get a homework packet this week as we will be writing an essay, but many of them still owe me their homework packet from last week.


Miss Bost

Monday, October 21, 2013



All students received a homework packet today (all grades) that is due on Friday. Although I do not encourage this option, I will accept the packets up to one week late for HALF credit.

Also, we started our Survivor game where students have the opportunity to earn "pesos" for participation, good behavior, using only Spanish, etc. The kids are very excited and are eager to learn! I will not start eliminating students from the "island" until next week so that they have a chance to work up toward using Spanish only! This is very exciting to them and I encourage you all to ask your students about it!

Have a great week!

Miss Bost

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Homework UPDATE


The printer didn't start working again until late Monday and with no school Tuesday, I was unable to print anything once again before classes started today (The other printer is still broken). Tomorrow, I will send home students with an alternate assignment that does not take as much time as the original homework, which will be due on Friday. I will send home a new packet on Monday (provided that the printer does not break again!) and that will be due the following Friday.

To recap, tomorrow - small assignment that is due Friday, October 18th.

Next week, Packet will be given on Monday.

Sorry for any inconveniences this may have caused.

Hope everyone had a great day off and//or holiday!

Monday, October 14, 2013


Because there is no school tomorrow, tutoring will not be held tomorrow, but will continue back next Tuesday.



I just wanted to update you on the homework situation this week:

Because BOTH of our printers/copiers are down currently, I am unable to print this week's homework packet for today. As soon as the printers/copiers are working, I will print them out and hand them to the students. When they are working, I will post in here to let you know that the students have received them.

I decided to make the homework packets to make the homework process easier (the material is still the same difficulty, but the due dates/handing homework in should be easier). I am allowing students to turn in their packets up to ONE week late for half credit. After that, I will not accept them unless a prior arrangement has been made or there is an extenuating circumstance.

I will be making phone calls and sending emails some time later this week or early next week if homework packets are not being handed in.

Thank you for all of your support and I will keep you updated on this homework situation.

Miss Bost

Thursday, October 10, 2013



Just a reminder: I am offering tutoring after school on TUESDAYS from 3:40-4:20. If your child needs additional help with Spanish, they are welcome to come during that time for tutoring. If your child is staying after school, please let your child's homeroom teacher know either Monday or the latest Tuesday morning (either by note, phone call or email) so that we can ensure that your child gets to tutoring and that they have transportation. This is for their safety. Transportation is not provided so please be aware of this.

Also, if this time does not work for you and your child, please let me know and I can try to arrange a different time (it cannot be weekly, but on an as-needed basis). I will do my best to accommodate yours and your child's needs.

Thank you for your attention in this matter and I hope to see everyone there on Tuesdays.

Miss Bost

Monday, October 7, 2013



Sorry for the delay. Blogger would not work on my computer for some reason. I believe it has to do with my personal email account. Hopefully it is fixed now!

For homework, I decided to do packets. Tomorrow I will distribute the packets and they will be due Friday. This way, students can work on the packets throughout the week and then they can bring them to class Friday. I think this will help solve a lot of missing homework. I will try this for a while and let you all know if anything changes. This will apply to all grades.

Hope you all had a great weekend!

Miss Bost