Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Salsa Dance Lessons with 5th grade

Today we had our salsa dance lessons with Los Sabrosos Dance Company in downtown Pittsburgh for fifth graders to culminate their music unit and I must say we had A LOT of fun!! We first learned a little meringue dance and then some salsa dance. Students practiced and worked hard and were really looking good! We also saw some dance demonstrations by our two teachers and by the end, the students were asking when we could return!

Gracias to Los Sabrosos Dance Company!

Parents, if you would like to look into dance lessons for you and your family or would like more information about their dance lessons, please visit their website: www.lspgh.com. A lot of the students were asking for this information so I am including that here. 


Hi all,

Don't forget the homework packets for each grade are due on Friday!!! Friday is a half day, but I will still see every class.


Srta. Bost

Monday, December 9, 2013

Homework and Updates


All grades (3-7) will receive a homework packet this week. All packets are due Friday.

If student does not submit by Friday, students will have ONE WEEK after due date to receive half credit. After that, it becomes a "0" in the grade book.

Students who have not submitted last week's homework should submit them no later than this Friday for credit.

I am also holding a raffle each week for those students who do submit their homework on time. Each week, a winner will be drawn.

Grades 3, 4, and 5 - Quiz on Friday. Please study and review notes in addition to homework.

Grades 6,7 - Quiz will be next week. I will announce the date toward the end of this week.

Grade 5 - Field trip to Los Sabrosos for salsa lessons. Please submit permission slips as soon as possible. Field trip will be on Tuesday, December 17th.

Thank you!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Homework this week


I hope you all had a wonderful holiday/break and got to relax and spend some time with your family/friends.

As we begin this new semester, I would like to remind you all that homework packets will be given weekly and will be due on Friday. Last semester, I was very lenient with students turning them in on time. This semester, as written in the syllabus, I will not be accepting lates. The homework is a tool to help students be prepared in class, practice with vocabulary and grammar and help for the test. The homework also allows me to see what students know and what they need help with. It has no benefit if it is turned in late. I will give students one week after the due date to turn it in for HALF credit. After that, I will not accept it.

All grades have a homework packet this week. Fifth grade will receive theirs tomorrow as we ran out of time in class to hand them out and I had to get them to their buses. Fifth grade will also be having a field trip in a couple of weeks so I will let you know when I send home permission slips.

Thank you for all of your support over the past semester. It is truly appreciated.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

6th and 7th grade quiz


For the 6th and 7th grade quiz, I sent home a study guide packet for the students to assist them in their studying. There are several maps for them to practice. I also gave them plenty of maps during class that we practiced with, too. The study guide is not required and does not have to be turned in, but is a great resource for all students. There are also many websites online that students can visit to practice (search Spain geography quizzes).

On this website, students may practice their regions of Spain through an interactive map. Two regions they do not need to know: Ceuta, Melilla. Other than that, this is a great website to practice. They can do "watch" first where they can scroll over the areas to learn them. Then, they can "play" and fill out the regions.

Hope this helps!!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Homework this week


3rd, 4th, 5th grade - received homework packet which is one or two pages.

6th and 7th grade - study for quiz on Friday. They should be studying their maps of Spain.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Homework this week


Every grade (3-7) was given a homework packet for the week. They are due Friday. Friday is a HALF DAY (dismissal is at 12:01), but I still will see every class.

4th grade: quiz on Friday
5th grade: quiz on Friday

Gracias y adios

Senorita Bost

Sunday, November 10, 2013


Hi all,

Here are some updates for the week:

  • I will not be in school tomorrow, so students WILL NOT receive a homework packet until Tuesday.
  • Many students still owe me a significant amount of homework. I will be contacting many of you this week to let you know if your child still owes me work.
  • On Tuesday, I will send out a homework reminder through my Blog.
  • I still do not have a date scheduled for the 5th grade field trip, but hope to have a date this week and a permission slip sent out.
Talk to you all on Tuesday (through the Blog)!

Senorita Bost

Monday, November 4, 2013

Homework this week


We have a lot going on this week! Most classes are ending their units this week, so there is a lot going on! Find your child's grade to get an update and the assigned homework as well.

3rd grade: Third grade did such a fantastic job this unit! Last Friday, they created "surrealist" paintings after learning about the artist Salvador Dali and surrealism in art. Their theme was nature and they did a great job creating artwork that really resembled this period as well incorporating their vocabulary. Today they briefly presented them in class and I will hang them up for all to see! The rest of this week, we will be reviewing what we have learned in this unit and on Thursday and Friday, they will have their unit exam. I sent home homework packets (due Friday) that had a little vocabulary review, but also told them what to focus on while they study. Please make sure your student is studying these things. A great idea is to make flashcards, or you can quiz them. Another idea is to have them teach you the words. I think they all will do a great job!

4th grade: Fourth grade is doing fantastic so far! We have not finished the unit yet, but will be having the test on Tuesday, as I announced last week. This is not a unit test, but will help them be prepared for their unit test. The focus is on the house, the rooms, the furniture and answering questions. Then, students will be learning about daily routine in Ecuador. Homework packets will be due Friday.

5th grade: Today was the best day in 5th grade! EVERY ONE participated and spoke in Spanish and ALL were enthusiastic about learning! Because of their fantastic behavior, all students earned 10 pesos! We are continuing to practice body parts and students will have their unit exam on Thursday and Friday. Also, I am trying to arrange a field trip so I will keep you updated as I get more details!

6th and 7th grade: Sixth and seventh grades have a lot going on! They are currently finishing up their adventure stories, which are due Friday (tomorrow is the last day to work on them during class). Then, we will review and they, too, will have their unit exam Thursday and Friday. They also have a small homework packet (due Friday) that will help prepare them for this upcoming exam. Many of our students in these grades have NOT been turning in homework. I am accepting them late with a point penalty, but I plan on making phone calls and sending emails later this week if students continue to not turn in their homework.

As always, I still have tutoring on Tuesdays from 3:40 to 4:20. Please feel free to contact me if you would like your child to join! It's not too late! :)

Thank you all again for all of your support!

Senorita Bost

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Homework this week

Hi All,

Grades 3-5 received a homework packet that will be due Friday. On FOURTH (4th) grade, the homework packet said they will have a test on Friday. I am making that a practice test and they will have their real test next Tuesday.

Sixth and Seventh grade did not get a homework packet this week as we will be writing an essay, but many of them still owe me their homework packet from last week.


Miss Bost

Monday, October 21, 2013



All students received a homework packet today (all grades) that is due on Friday. Although I do not encourage this option, I will accept the packets up to one week late for HALF credit.

Also, we started our Survivor game where students have the opportunity to earn "pesos" for participation, good behavior, using only Spanish, etc. The kids are very excited and are eager to learn! I will not start eliminating students from the "island" until next week so that they have a chance to work up toward using Spanish only! This is very exciting to them and I encourage you all to ask your students about it!

Have a great week!

Miss Bost

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Homework UPDATE


The printer didn't start working again until late Monday and with no school Tuesday, I was unable to print anything once again before classes started today (The other printer is still broken). Tomorrow, I will send home students with an alternate assignment that does not take as much time as the original homework, which will be due on Friday. I will send home a new packet on Monday (provided that the printer does not break again!) and that will be due the following Friday.

To recap, tomorrow - small assignment that is due Friday, October 18th.

Next week, Packet will be given on Monday.

Sorry for any inconveniences this may have caused.

Hope everyone had a great day off and//or holiday!

Monday, October 14, 2013


Because there is no school tomorrow, tutoring will not be held tomorrow, but will continue back next Tuesday.



I just wanted to update you on the homework situation this week:

Because BOTH of our printers/copiers are down currently, I am unable to print this week's homework packet for today. As soon as the printers/copiers are working, I will print them out and hand them to the students. When they are working, I will post in here to let you know that the students have received them.

I decided to make the homework packets to make the homework process easier (the material is still the same difficulty, but the due dates/handing homework in should be easier). I am allowing students to turn in their packets up to ONE week late for half credit. After that, I will not accept them unless a prior arrangement has been made or there is an extenuating circumstance.

I will be making phone calls and sending emails some time later this week or early next week if homework packets are not being handed in.

Thank you for all of your support and I will keep you updated on this homework situation.

Miss Bost

Thursday, October 10, 2013



Just a reminder: I am offering tutoring after school on TUESDAYS from 3:40-4:20. If your child needs additional help with Spanish, they are welcome to come during that time for tutoring. If your child is staying after school, please let your child's homeroom teacher know either Monday or the latest Tuesday morning (either by note, phone call or email) so that we can ensure that your child gets to tutoring and that they have transportation. This is for their safety. Transportation is not provided so please be aware of this.

Also, if this time does not work for you and your child, please let me know and I can try to arrange a different time (it cannot be weekly, but on an as-needed basis). I will do my best to accommodate yours and your child's needs.

Thank you for your attention in this matter and I hope to see everyone there on Tuesdays.

Miss Bost

Monday, October 7, 2013



Sorry for the delay. Blogger would not work on my computer for some reason. I believe it has to do with my personal email account. Hopefully it is fixed now!

For homework, I decided to do packets. Tomorrow I will distribute the packets and they will be due Friday. This way, students can work on the packets throughout the week and then they can bring them to class Friday. I think this will help solve a lot of missing homework. I will try this for a while and let you all know if anything changes. This will apply to all grades.

Hope you all had a great weekend!

Miss Bost

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

UPDATE: 4th grade Presentation Rubric


Hope everyone is having a great weekend. The kids are doing such a great job working on their presentations and are doing so with much enthusiasm!

I made a little change to the rubric that I wanted you all to be aware of. (I already told the students).

On the rubric, under the content, it lists several different areas such as weather, currency, capital, flag, food, places to visit, holidays, etc. Because of a lack of resources (i.e. we are unable to check out the computer lab 4 of the days of the week and there are no printing options in the computer lab), I am only requiring students to choose FOUR of those to share with the class. For example, they can share the flag with the class and talk about that in some detail (the flag is blue and white and there is a sun on it, for example). Some had also asked me to print some pictures, so I will be printing those pictures for them.

I will continue to help them this week and look forward to seeing their presentations this week!

Senorita Bost

Monday, September 23, 2013

Homework Policies


In my last post, I told you the homework for this week. I forgot to mention something about homework.

A lot of the students are NOT turning in homework, which is significantly hurting their grades. I have made several phone calls and sent several emails and will continue to do so. Please, parents and guardians, encourage your students to complete and turn in their homework. I do not grade for correctness. I grade for completion and effort, so if students are trying and they did every single problem (which is never a lot), they will get full credit. This is very important as they develop their Spanish. The school sent out planners today, so I am hoping this will help our students be more successful.

If you have any questions, please let me know. I do send out vocabulary lists each time we learn new vocabulary and these can be used to complete homework.

Thank you for all of your support!

Senorita Bost

La Tarea/Homework


Here is this week's homework for Spanish class. Although I may write "no homework", it is recommended that each student study their vocabulary for 5 to 10 minutes each night. This will help them be prepared for the next day and avoids cramming for exams. This also boosts confidence! :) Hope this helps!

3rd grade:
  • Monday - No homework
  • Tuesday - Teach parents 5 vocabulary words. Parents will sign worksheet.
  • Wednesday - Writing activity: Describe three people using vocabulary.
  • Thursday - Personal Dictionary for Emotions
  • Friday - No homework
  • 4th grade:
    Students are working on an in-class project about a Spanish-speaking country. Each student was assigned a country. I am providing them with information and they are filling out their research chart. They will be working on their presentations all this week and will present on Monday and Tuesday. If they cannot complete it in class this week, they will have to finish their projects so that they will be ready to present on Monday.

    5th grade:
  • Monday - Study for Wednesday's quiz.
  • Tuesday - Study for Wednesday's quiz.
  • Wednesday - Quiz today. No homework.
  • Thursday - Descriptions worksheet.
  • Friday - No homework.

  • 6th and 7th grade:
  • Monday - Study for quiz tomorrow.
  • Tuesday - Quiz today.
  • Wednesday - Worksheet on family and possessive pronouns
  • Thursday - Study for writing assignment.
  • Friday - In-class graded writing assignment (test)
  • Sunday, September 22, 2013



    To make this year go a little easier, I created a blog for Spanish class. Here, I will post homework for the week for grades 3 through 7 and any important information that you will need to help your students be successful this year. Since this is my first time creating a Blog, please be patient with me as I am creating it and please leave any suggestions you have, as I'd appreciate it and like to help you help your students.

    Here are the units we are beginning for each grade:
    • 3rd grade - El arbol generoso (The Giving Tree)
    • 4th grade - Vamos a Ecuador (We are going to Ecuador)
    • 5th grade - La Musica (Music)
    • 6th and 7th grade - Abuela (Grandma - based on the book, "Abuela")
    I will post more later about these units as well as homework and any other important information.

    I look forward to working with you and your student(s) this year!


    Señorita Bost